2nd Grade Coffeehouse Poetry
Motivated by the crowd’s snapping fingers, these 2nd grade beatniks each shared their original poetry on stage at the Emerson “coffee house.” It was totally groovy in every way.
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Letter from the Head of School
Dear Parents,
I want to thank you all for allowing me to indulge in an April Fool’s Day newsletter right before break, and I appreciate your good humor. No, we have not received a donation of the abandoned quarry next door. And while rock climbing and outdoor pyrotechnic experiments might be fun to contemplate, I would draw the line at downhill mountain biking, and I know that Beth Anderson would draw the line at an auction held outdoors in a tent at the bottom of a quarry!
Speaking of the outdoors, Earth Day is coming up on Friday, April 22. As we recently shared, we are proud to be certified as a Michigan Green School through the Livingston and Washtenaw Green Schools Program. This year we achieved Evergreen status, the highest level achievable, through our efforts on recycling and reducing, energy use, environmental projects, and other nature studies. A small sample of some activities are listed below:
- Hydrofest, our school-wide science fair this past fall. Students presented projects on invasive species in the Great Lakes, bottled water vs. city water vs. well water (taste, testing, cost, and environmental impact), E. coli testing, and Great Lakes wildlife.
- Our Nature Center, a partially fenced area near the playground with walking paths, a native plant area, and two ponds. Students use the nature area for outdoor plant and critter observations.
- Middle School student projects and electives on plant growth, construction of hoop houses, upcycling and creative recycling, energy use in Michigan, environmental documentaries, vermiculture, and composting.
- Lower School units on renewable energy, water pollution, coral reefs, global sustainability issues, nature sculptures, and birding.
In celebration of Earth Day, we ask you to help us fulfill our Green School initiatives by taking part in our Anti-Idling campaign. Cars which idle unnecessarily during drop-off and pick-up add more exhaust fumes into the air, and this air pollution harms not just the environment, but also our young students’ health and well being. Our parents and students will be sharing information with you next week to encourage you to turn off your vehicle during curbside. I thank you in advance for your help in keeping our curbside greener!
Take care,
John Huber
All School News and Info
Students Shine at Chess Tournament
Congratulations to Emerson’s chess team members Jack Hauptman, Eleanor Klinger, Parini Rao, Jay Vijan, and Jack Huber (not pictured) on their 4th place tournament finish in Lansing. Jack Hauptman even earned a bronze medal! Many thanks to all of the parents for their support and to our Coach John Smalec for his time and passion.
Anti-Idling Initiative at Emerson
For Our Children. For Earth Day. Every Day.
In the spirit of Earth Day, please protect our environment and children’s health by turning your car off instead of idling at morning and afternoon pick-up. If you are going to be standing still for 10 seconds or more, turn off your engine. It is simple, effective, and something we can do every day.
+ Learn more
2016 Emerson Blood Drive Signing Up Now
Thursday, April 28, 12:00pm–6:00pm in the Emerson School Gym
Be a pint-size hero by donating blood. Mr. Wilson is coordinating this annual drive with Marchell’s and Sarah’s 4th graders, and their goal is 50 pints. All donations should take 60 minutes or less, from check-in to check-out, and donors will be treated to a WiFi waiting area with work tables, snacks, and lots of TLC.
+ Sign up to donate today
Charitable Drives Happening at Emerson
An Emerson education includes learning about service, and many students have taken the initiative to create drives that support causes they believe in. These are two starting soon.
Allergen-Free Food Drive for Food Gatherers
April 25–29, Collection Bins Throughout School
MK Coolican, Amy Sanders, and Cate Weiser are holding a food drive for children with food allergies.
Food Gatherers has specifically suggested the following products: peanut butter substitutes, e.g. Soy Nut Butter or WOW Butter, Enjoy Life products, and gluten-free products (especially noodles). Students from all grades are invited to participate, and collection bins will be located at every entrance, in the fishbowl, in the Lower School and Middle School commons, in the library, and near the offices.
School Supplies for Peace Neighborhood and Grace Care Center
May 16–20, and at all Art & Music Events
Gabby Taichman is coordinating a collection of art supplies and school supplies to benefit Peace Neighborhood and Grace Care Center.
Faculty and Staff Changes for 2016-2017
Families received an email earlier this week about what’s ahead for 2016-2017. Some faculty and staff are retiring, some are changing responsibilities, and some services are being improved. If you missed this email, please click the link below to learn more.
+ See the original email
Job Postings on Emerson Website
Emerson openings are posted on the employment page. If you know someone who might be a good fit for a position at Emerson, please direct them to www.emerson-school.org/employment to learn more.
ESPO Faculty and Staff Appreciation Lunch
Tuesday, May 3, 11:00am – 1:00pm, Plus Setup and Cleanup
Each year, ESPO and parent volunteers generously host a lunch to show their appreciation for Emerson teachers and staff. Volunteers host the event, from set up and decorations, to hosting the event and cleaning up afterwards. A sign-up link will be included in next week’s newsletter, but if you have questions or want to get involved before then, please contact chair Chair Michelle Weaver.
“This year’s theme is Hawaiian Luau, so be sure to don your grass skirts and surfer shorts (not required) to help us celebrate our wonderful teachers and staff.” – Michelle
Submit Yearbook Ads and Dedications by May 2
In addition to getting signatures, students look forward to seeing the ads their families create for them. You can purchase space in this year’s book at the following rates:
- Full Page (8.5”w x 11”h): $150
- Half Page (8.5”w x 5.5”h): $80
- Quarter Page (4.25”w x 5.5”h): $45
- Eighth Page (4.25”w x 2.25”h, roughly business card): $25
8th Graders Offered Complimentary Farewell Ad
Every 8th grade student is offered a complimentary quarter page ad space to leave a farewell message. Students can contact yearbook teacher Jeri Elie for questions or help.
+ More info and resources at www.emerson-school.org/yearbook0
Band and Orchestra Concert and Alumni Dinner
Thursday, May 19, Concert at 7:00pm
This special performance will feature the premier of Simple Springtime, written by Allen Borton, the band performance of Go West and William Tell Overture, and the orchestra performing The Magical World of Pixar. Then the band and orchestra will join together to perform An American Rhapsody in the style of Aaron Copland—a challenging and beautiful piece that we hope you will enjoy.
Annual Alumni Dinner at 5:30pm in Middle School Commons
Before the concert, our alums are invited to the annual Alumni Dinner, where they can reconnect with classmates, faculty, and staff, and enjoy some good food. All alums, young and old, are invited to attend.
Renew Your Kroger Grocery Cards
You can earn money for Emerson every time you shop at Kroger, but you need to re-enroll every year and now is the time. Please visit the Kroger Community Rewards Program and enroll/re-enroll using Emerson’s school code (82607). Then just swipe your card when you shop.
Middle School News and Info
Spirit Week in the Middle School
Next Week, April 18–22
Middle School students are encouraged to participate in this fun, school-spirit-building activity. The themes for each day are:
- Monday: Emerson Day
- Tuesday: Pajama Day
- Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
- Thursday: Throwback Thursday
- Friday: Character Day (Earth Day too)
High School Information
Father Gabriel Richard Freshmen Welcome Night
Wednesday, Apr. 27, 6:30pm–8:00pm
Father Gabriel Richard High School invites you to Freshmen Welcome Night, dedicated to addressing frequently asked questions regarding the first-year high school experience to ensure that both parents and students understand the various processes within the school. Current students will be leading fun activities to help acclimate incoming students to their new school while parents will have additional time to speak with our faculty and staff.
Community News and Events
Alumnae is Outstanding in Science Olympiad
Congratulations to Randie Jo Evans (class on 2015) on earning four first place medals and one second place medal at the regional high school Science Olympiad competition. According to Tim Wilson, “Randie Jo was absolutely phenomenal in literally leading her team to a first place finish. She probably set an all time record for Brighton High School.”
Adolescent Depression and Resiliency:
What you need to know
Tuesday, Apr. 19, 7:00pm–8:00pm at Forsythe Media Center
In case you missed the opportunity to learn about this topic at Emerson, you can see the same experts from the University of Michigan Depression Center and for a presentation about depression and anxiety in adolescents.
+ Learn more
Alum Leading TEDxYouth@AnnArbor 2016
Saturday, Apr. 23, 8am – 4pm at Skyline High
The 2016 theme is Taking the World by Storm, and one of the event organizers is Emerson alum Olivia Popp. This is the third annual TEDxYouth@AnnArbor event, where high school aged students share their ideas, vision, and innovation to contribute to and influence the future of Ann Arbor.
+ Learn more
Adopted Children’s Group
Now – May 12, 6:00pm–7:30pm, at Hands Across the Water
Hands Across the Water Adoption/Foster Care agency in Ann Arbor is hosting a five week Adopted Children’s Group at its agency April 14- May 12 for children ages-8-12 who have been adopted. There is a $20 fee and group sessions are on Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m., which will consist of peer discussions and fun learning activities.
+ Learn more here or contact Julie Emerine
• General • Athletics • Band and Orchestra • Theatre ArtsApril 15 3:00pm Book Quest Finale for Grades 2-3April 18–22 Middle School Spirit Week April 18 April 20 April 21 April 26 April 26 April 27 April 28 May 2 |
See the unique learning experiences students have every day at Emerson. Facebook.com/TheEmersonSchool |