Emerson’s First Open Mic Night
Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 7:00pm
+ Sign up to perform
Letter from Jerry
Hello Parents,
Given that many of us may be preoccupied with either escaping this weather—or coping with it—as we look ahead to our Mid-Winter Break, I will keep this message short and sweet.
When we return from the break, March will be just a week away, Spring Training will be in full swing, parent conferences will be around the corner, preparations for Science Olympiad will be underway, spring concerts will be here before we know it, and the warmer weather (or the promise of warmer weather) will make the calendar move more quickly as we anticipate the end of this school year.
So, this break is a perfect time to gather our forces, physical and emotional, as we soldier forth through this winter and prepare for an exciting spring (dare I say it?). Regardless of the season, we are all so fortunate to be learning alongside you and your children.
Please stay safe and warm.
Jerry Loewen
Head of School
All School News
Congrats Solo and Ensemble Fest Participants
Every Emerson Performer Received a Top Two Ranking
Several of our 7th and 8th grade Band and Orchestra members performed on Saturday, February 7, at the Solo and Ensemble Festival in Livonia. Students performed before judges to receive valuable feedback, as well as a rating and a medal. We had 32 Emerson performances at the festival, and every one of them received a rating of 1 or 2 (the top scores on a scale of 1 – 5).
Mrs. Borton and Ms. C enjoyed watching the ensembles practice and prepare over the last few months. The students were largely self-directed and they showed terrific leadership and teamwork. Congratulations to all of the students who performed!
+ Read more and see performers
Tickets Available for Gifted and This is a Test Plays
Thursday, Mar. 5 and Friday, Mar. 6 at 7:00pm
Saturday, Mar. 7 at 2:00pm
Join us for the final Middle School Play to be held in Emerson’s Black Box Theatre. This year’s student performance will include two one-act plays, each set in a school classroom.
Reserve Your Tickets Now
Tickets are $8.00 for all ages, payable by cash or check. You can order by email (theater@emerson-school.org) or by calling the Emerson Ticket Hotline at 734-665-9005, x362. Please leave a message with:
- Name
- Phone number
- Number of tickets requested
- Performance date
+ More info about plays and cast
3 Ways to be an Auction Supporter
Friday, March 13, 2015 at Barton Hills Country Club
- Most Needed: Donate Wine
Donate a bottle of wine valued between $25 and $100 to be included in the Wine Pull raffle. - Easiest: Sponsor or Advertise
Let your family or business be recognized as a generous supporter of Emerson School and the auction. - Most Fun: Be there!
Mail or drop off the reply card that came with your invitation ASAP, or print one online, and take part in the food, friendship, and bidding.
Congrats to Sundu Brahmasandra and Priya Varadan, who won the $75 gift card to Knight’s Restaurant from the early RSVP raffle.
+ Auction info and forms
+ Questions? Contact Beth Anderson
TED2015 Live Simulcast at Emerson
Mar. 17, 10:00am – 7:00pm:
TED: Ideas worth spreading. The annual TED Conference set the stage for every great TEDx video you have seen. This year, our community can see TED2015 as a live simulcast at the inaugural TEDxEmersonSchool event.
+ Get an idea of what to expect from the TED Conference
Each TED event shares ideas based on a theme, and the TED2015 theme is Truth or Dare. Twenty presenters will spread their ideas in short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less) and we hope you will join us for some or all of it.
+ Learn more about TED
+ Register to attend (limited space)
Register for Summer Camp Now
Summer at Emerson camp registration is now live and open for everyone to register. Dozens of camps have already filled, so register soon for the most selection.
+ Register online
+ More camp information, including the 2015 brochure
Hearing and Vision Screening
Feb. 25 – 27, Grades K – 5 and 7th
Parent Information/Feedback Forms will be sent home early next week with your student(s). Please complete and return the form to the Lower School Office if your child is currently under care.
Financial Aid and Sibling Enrollment
Sibling Enrollment
If you would like to discuss or apply for sibling enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year, please contact Admission Director Jackie Ebels.
+ Contact Jackie Ebels
Apply for Financial Aid by Mar. 14
Financial aid is available to families through a need-based program, and 10 percent of Emerson students are recipients. The amount of financial aid a family is eligible to receive is determined independently through School and Student Service (SSS), a service of NAIS.
+ Learn more about financial aid
+ Apply for financial aid
Middle School News
Father Gabriel Richard High School Open House
Wednesday, Mar. 4, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Father Gabriel Richard High School, Ann Arbor, invites families with 7th graders to see why we have been awarded the Catholic High School Honor Roll since 2008! Visit the school, meet the teachers and talk with our current coaches and sports clubs. Our award-winning Madrigal singers will be giving an ongoing performance in the Chapel where you can also enjoy refreshments. We hope to see you there!
+ Learn more
Pioneer High 9th Grade ‘Meet and Greet’
Wednesday, Apr. 22, 11:15am – 2:30pm
Students will have a tour of the school and lunch with fellow 8th graders. There will be an extra curricular fair with representatives of several school clubs and athletic teams. Meet at the Clock Tower Entrance.
+ RSVP to Jen Kunec by April 10th
Community Events
A Musical Celebration of Chinese New Year
Saturday, Feb. 21, 6:00pm – 9:00pm at Rackham Auditorium
Xiaojing Tabitha Yang, Emerson’s Chinese teacher, invites everyone to celebrate the Chinese New Year (Feb 19 this year) at the Confucius Institute of UM reception and concert This concert features five vocalists from Wu Han Conservatory of Music, China, who will sing a program of folk and arts songs from Hubei, Tibet, Yunnan, Xinjiang, and other cultural and ethnic regions of China.
+ Learn more
Ermine at the Comic Opera Guild
Saturday, Feb. 28 at 8:00pm and Sunday, Mar. 1 at 3:00pm
Emerson science teacher Pat Petiet will perform in Ermine, which was a huge hit in its day and eclipsed the initial run of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mokado. As with so many light operas of the late 19th century, it fell from the repertory on the 1920’s, with the onset of the Jazz Age. It opened in 1885 and came to the US in 1886.
Chinese American Teens and Family Study
Be a part of creating science! The University of Illinois Journeys In Adolescence (JIA 家) Study is looking for Chinese Americans families with teens aged 12-17 to participate in a new study. We want to understand how to better promote academic achievement and physical and emotional well-being in Chinese American teens. Participation is simple and takes place entirely in the convenience of your own home. Parents and a teen will complete questionnaires, brief daily checklists, and teens will provide small saliva samples. Families who complete the study will receive $50 and a chance to win a new iPad mini.
+ Contact Xin Yuen (734.249.8067) with questions or if you are interested in participating
Middle School Learn to Row
Starts September 2 for all 6th-8th graders
Get on the water and try an incredible sport with the Washtenaw Rowing Center! Rowing (aka crew) is flourishing in our community, with nationally competitive boys and girls teams in Washtenaw County, as well as top collegiate programs at universities throughout the state. Now middle school students also have the chance to give it a try, in a fun and relaxed atmosphere where they’ll learn basic technique and get on the water to experience what this exciting sport is all about!
+ Find more information and sign up, or contact Program Director Kit Bennett
MAGC Conference Catalog Cover Art Contest
Entry Deadline is Mar. 31
The Michigan Association for Gifted Children (MAGC) programs and conference planning board is looking for a gifted artist, aged 12 to 15, to create our next conference cover. The winner and finalist’s artwork
will be used in marketing and conference materials for 2015-2016.
+ Learn more