By Bryan Seymour, Emerson Quiz Bowl Coach and Language Arts Teacher
On March 12, 13 members of Emerson’s Quiz Bowl team competed in the Middle School State Championship. Quiz Bowl is a scholastic competition in which two teams compete using buzzer systems to answer questions from a broad range of areas including literature, history, science, math, art, current events, and pop culture (like Jeopardy). One of Emerson’s teams (composed of Kendra Wolter, Brian Hussey, Anders Ruiter-Feenstra, and Zach Halberstam) finished 2nd in Michigan! In doing so, they qualified for the Middle School National Championship tournament which will take place May 6-8 in Atlanta, Georgia. Quite an accomplishment!
Editors Note: This is just the second year that Emerson students have competed in Quiz Bowl. We are proud to see so many students choosing to participate and doing so well. A special thank you to Bryan Seymour, Quiz Bowl Coach and Language Arts Teacher, for introducing Quiz Bowl to Emerson and helping our students thrive.