Band and Orchestra Starts Next Week
It’s Not Too Late For Your Child to Join!
Be a part of an amazing team, make music with friends, build your skills and your love of music! Participate in fun concerts and trips! Visit the website for complete details and registration. Lower school continuing Band and Orchestra classes start next week and the beginning classes start the week of October 3.
+ Learn more at www.emerson–\bandandorchestra
Letter from the Head of School
How I Spent My Week Without a Smartphone (almost…)
Dear Parents,
This past Saturday, I broke my iPhone. It happened for the most clichéd of reasons—I dropped it when I was taking a selfie. When I picked it up, the touchscreen was mostly dead, and I was no longer able to enter my passcode. As my phone was fairly old, I decided to wait until Friday to pick up a new one.
And thus began my week without a functioning smartphone.
Not long ago I read in a survey that adults check their phones more than 200 times a day. And soon after I broke mine, I realized how true this was for me. Want to check the weather in the morning? I’ll look on my phone—oh, wait, it’s broken. Hanging out at a coffee shop? Dang, no phone. Needing directions?Hm, do they still sell paper maps at gas stations? After four days, I was still so habituated that I would reach for my phone at any quiet moment in the day, then pause, and remember that it wasn’t working.
So what have I learned from my week without a smartphone?
- There is time for stillness (but also boredom). As I sat in the coffee shop, waiting for a colleague to join me, I realized that without a phone, I could take a moment to absorb my environment. But, after a few minutes of this, I started to grow bored—and as I hadn’t brought anything with me, I needed to be patient and wait.
- There is time for contemplation (but also disconnect). Without a phone, I was much more likely to reach for a book and catch up on my reading stack. But I also started to miss texts from my family members, including messages from my two sons in college.
- There is time for simplicity (but also complexity). It felt immensely freeing not to be tethered to an electronic device that was always tugging at my attention. But then I found myself having to think about how to make calls and get directions while on the road—and having to ask for help at stops along the way.
So as with most new technologies, for all we gain (novelty, connectivity, utility), we also give up something in return.
As we begin our new school year, I encourage you to talk with your children about these trade-offs, and consider how they impact our day-to-day interactions. For my part, when I get my new phone at the end of this week, I’ll try to retain some of what I learned, and find time for stillness, contemplation, and simplicity.
Happy September,
John Huber
All School News and Info
Lower School Curriculum Night
Sep. 22, 6:30pm – 7:35pm, Students Attend
Lower School parents and students are invited to Lower School Curriculum Night. This year will have a slightly revised format, with a combination of teacher presentations and student-led sharing of their daily experiences in homeroom and specials classes.
- 6:25 – Students dropped off in the Arts and Innovation Center, parents proceed to the homeroom classrooms
- 6:30 – Homeroom teachers present curricular information to parents
- 6:50 – Students escorted to homeroom classrooms to meet up with parents and begin the student-led portion of the evening (according to the guidelines below). ug
- 7:35 – Evening wraps up so students, teachers, and parents can head home for a good night’s sleep
No Childcare – Students Come With Parents
Students will be with parents for most of the evening, so childcare will be unavailable during Curriculum Night. Younger siblings should stay at home.
Conferences are Oct. 13 – 14
Curriculum Night is a chance for you to become familiar with your child’s teachers and classrooms, but you will have an opportunity to discuss his/her individual performance at Parent-Teacher Conferences in just three weeks. Conference sign-ups will open on Sunday, Sept. 26, and an email with instructions will be sent soon.
Shop and Earn Thousands for Emerson
Arbor Farms, Busch’s, and Kroger Give to Emerson
Last year parents, faculty, and staff earned more than $4,784 for Emerson School just for doing their normal shopping at Arbor Farms, Busch’s, and Kroger. See how easy it is to join in, and contact Beth Anderson with any questions.
+ Learn more
After School Classes Begin Next Week
Space Still Available for Several Classes
- There is still space in Off the Wall Art on Mondays for K-3rd graders, 3:30pm-4:30pm
- Wednesday Storytelling with LEGO has opened to 3rd graders, 3:30pm-4:30pm
- Capoeira Martial Arts is going to run and has space available Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm
+ Email Rose Hacker to sign up
+ Fall Enrichment Classes (new additions)
+ Fall Music Lesson
First ESPO Meeting This Tuesday
Tuesday, Sep. 20, 8:30am in the AIC Presentation Space
Join other parents at the first Emerson School Parent Organization meeting of the year. You’ll hear an update from Head of School John Huber and have an opportunity to be involved in the events, activities, and initiatives spearheaded by ESPO—all benefitting your students. New this year, parents are asked to please bring their own beverages in lid-covered containers, as refreshments will not be provided.
ESPO Pizza Lunch Needs Volunteers
Fridays Throughout the Year
Please sign up to help with an ESPO Pizza Lunch on a Friday! It’s fun, easy, and a very small time commitment. Choose a Friday that works for you—opportunities are available throughout the year—and enjoy the smile on your child’s face when they see you helping out at school!
+ Sign up to volunteer
Coffee with the Head of School Dates
By Grade, 7:30am–9:30am on the Dates Below
Parents are invited to start the school year with a cup of coffee and candid conversation with Head of School John Huber. It’s a great opportunity to meet John, and to share whatever is on your mind—the good and the bad.
To accommodate working parents, these coffees will begin at 7:30am (complimentary childcare available, reservations required). Come early and leave by 8:30am, or arrive at the normal school start time and stay through 9:30am.
- 8th Grade: September 16
- 7th Grade: September 23
- 6th Grade: September 29
- 5th Grade: October 7
- 4th Grade: October 21
- 3rd Grade: October 27
- 2nd Grade: November 11
- 1st Grade: November 18
- Kindergarten: November 21
Lunch Orders Starting Up
- Milk began Monday, Sept. 12
- Pizza lunch begins Friday, Sept. 16
- What’s Cooking! hot lunch begins Monday, Sept. 19
Last-minute orders still being accepted.
+ Order What’s Cooking! lunch
Health and Safety Reminder: Allergies
Whenever possible, please avoid bringing in known allergens to school, particularly if they can be easily avoided. For example, we have a number of community members with allergies to air fresheners and perfumes, and we kindly ask that these not be brought in to school.
Family-Friendly Open Mic Nights
Wednesday, Sep. 21 at 6:00pm
A stage for students, parents, and teachers to perform—not compete—and share their talents and passions. Sing, play, read, dance, joke, act, etc. in front of a laid-back and supportive audience of families from schools throughout the greater-Ann Arbor area.
- Sep. 21, 2016
- Nov. 30, 2016
- Jan. 25, 2017
- Mar. 22, 2017
- May 31, 2017
Middle School News and Info
Middle School Curriculum Night
Tuesday, Sep. 27 at 6:45pm
Current middle school families are invited to learn more about their child’s experience in middle school. Families will follow a typical middle school schedule and learn about grade level academics, our enrichment courses, the electives their child has selected, and how we will support the social and emotional growth of their child through advisory.
High School Placement Information Night
Tuesday, Oct. 4
Current and future middle school families are invited to learn how Emerson will support them in the transition to high school. We will share information on the high school placement process, what local schools require (and when), and how we can support families in the high school selection process.
Parent Community Event: Being Bigger Than Your Triggers – Annie Zirkel
Thursday, Oct. 6
Local relationship consultant, Annie Zirkel, will present to current and future middle school families about the impact that triggers can have on students and adults. She will discuss the physiological impact of being triggered, the neuroscience behind the triggered brain, and how we can support students when they are triggered. We may even learn more about how we can support ourselves when we are triggered. Please visit Annie Zirkel’s website for more information on this session (
Girls’ Friendships & Drama: How to Support Your Daughter – Dr. Tim Jordan
Tues. Nov. 1
In this webinar, parents will become aware of the pressures on girls today and the hidden culture of girls’ relationship aggressions. Parents will take away new skills to help girls handle conflicts directly and effectively; know and express their emotions in healthy ways; handle teasing and “mean words”; speak with authority, be unafraid of making mistakes; and become strong leaders. This session is for parents of girls ages K-12.
Parent Community Event: Technology and Your Child – Washtenaw Area Council for Children
Thurs. Dec. 1
The Washtenaw Area Council for Children will lead current and future middle school families through an exploration of the world of technology at our students’ fingertips. They will share data on current trends and challenges, as well as provide strategies for helping your child handle this unprecedented access to information. The WACC will also share information on cybersafety, strategies for protecting your child in this age of access, and what concerning behaviors adults should watch out for in their children.
ISACS Webinar Presentation – Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood – Lisa Damour
Mon. Dec. 12
From ISACS website: Damour will hit the highlights of her New York Times best-selling book to help girls’ parents, educators, and advocates understand why teenage girls sometimes confusing and dramatic behavior is actually predictable and normal. Damour will explain the seven developmental transitions that turn girls into grown-ups and help the adults form happier, healthier relationships with the teenagers in their care. This webinar is for parents and all who work with girls ages 10-19.
Community Activities
Lexington Bach Festical Featuring Mrs. C
The Lexington Bach Festival is this weekend in Lexington, Michigan. Located north of Port Huron, this beautiful lakeside town is host to a great festival of classical music. Ms. Capozzoli enjoys playing in the festival orchestra and having the opportunity to work with the outstanding guest artists!
+ Learn more
Free Haircut with Blood Donation
Make a Red Cross blood donation during the month of September, and you’ll not only save a life, but receive a free haircut from SportsClips
+ Learn more