News & Blog

Family Newsletter – Oct. 24, 2014

See original email

Letter from Jerry

Jerry the SluggerHello Parents,

Sometimes in the midst of the complicated nature of our lives these days, it is worth seeking the advice of wise people to show us a saner way.  As driving habits in our parking lot are tending toward the dangerous in recent days, I have found simple wisdom from Monty Python:

Some things in life are bad
    (like being late getting out of the house this morning)
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse 

(like “why don’t you pull all the way forward!”)
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle 
(like work, kids, traffic, running late, etc.)
Don’t grumble, give a whistle
And this’ll help things turn out for the best… 
    (we all want our kids to be safe)
And… always look on the bright side of life… 
    (and slow down, take a breath, smile….)
♪ Whistle 

If life seems jolly rotten 
  (is it really that bad to be in the parking lot for just a few minutes longer?)
There’s something you’ve forgotten
  (parking lots can be dangerous when you are distracted)
And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing
    (and slow down, check your blind spot, pull forward in your parking space)
When you’re feeling in the dumps 
    (will I ever get out of this parking lot?)
Don’t be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle

– that’s the thing.
And… always look on the bright side of life… 

    (and PLEASE hang up your phone….)
♪ Whistle ♪

For the full version of wisdom, enjoy this YouTube video.

Let’s take pride in how seriously and carefully we all take the safety of our students and children.


Jerry Loewen
Head of School

All School News

Enterovirus and Ebola Information

Learn about these two health concerns, including symptoms, sources, and prevention strategies from Emerson medical assistant Diane Wentland.
+ Learn more

Head Search: Alan Barr Parent Mtgs Oct. 27, 28

Monday, Oct. 27, 5:30pm – 6:30pm in Room 209
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 8:30am – 9:30am in Room 129 (portable)

Our last finalist, Alan Barr, will visit Emerson Emerson next week and we hope you will join us at one of the two parent meetings.

Alan Barr and his wife Kelly will visit Emerson. Alan and Kelly have a son in middle school and a son in high school. Alan has a BA in Managerial Economics from Hampden-Sydney College and an MS in Educational Leadership from Longwood University. Alan served as head of The O’Neal School a PK-12 institution in Southern Pines, NC.
+ Head Search Position Description
+ Alan Barr resume
+ Alan Barr feedback form (to be completed after his visit)

Share Your Feedback About All Three Finalists

If you have not already, please share your feedback with the search committee about their three finalists.
+ Ned Murray feedback form
+ John Huber feedback form
+ Alan Barr feedback form

Middle School Information Meeting

Oct. 29, 7:00pm in the Middle School Commons

Parents of 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to attend and learn about the new challenges, unique opportunities, and rigorous curriculum in store for your children as Emerson Middle School students. You will learn what to expect, go on a tour of the Middle School, and have opportunities to ask teachers and staff questions.

If you know of others who might be interested in Emerson’s Middle School, please invite them to attend.
+ Upcoming admissions events

The Halloween Carnival is One Week Away

Friday, Oct. 31 – Volunteers Needed

Halloween is fast approaching! The school is decorated and the kids are getting exciting.  We need lots of help for the carnival itself. If you are able to volunteer (painting nails  or applying tattoos in our Halloween Boo-tique, serving food in the Orange Cafe, working in the Haunted House, running our Cupcake Walk, helping with the scavenger hunt or running a game in the gym), please sign up today!

Feel free to contact Jamie Sinha with questions.  Thank you!
+ Sign up to volunteer

Service Project: Trick-or-Treat with UNICEF

Students to Receive Boxes on Wednesday, Oct. 29

Beth Nazario’s 7th grade advisory has undertaken this community service opportunity, learning about the impact of donating what seems like small change to UNICEF. For example, six cents provides a drink of safe, clean water for one thirsty child. Boxes of change should be returned to collection containers in the school by Friday, Nov 7th so that Beth’s advisory can count them. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Beth Nazario.
+ Learn more

Private Music Classes Still Available

Please contact Rose Hacker to schedule your child’s lessons or to learn more.

Monday: 3:30pm – 4:00pm; 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Thursday: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Friday: 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Tuesday: 3:00pm – 3:30pm; 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday: 4:30pm – 5:00pm
Friday: 5:00pm – 5:30pm

Michael Bambery Parent Presentation

Strategies to Help Kids Manage Stress and Build Academic Resiliency

Thursday, Nov. 6th at 7:00pm in the Emerson Library

We are delighted to announce that Michael Bambery, Clinical Psychologist at the Center for Neuropsychology, Learning, and Development has agreed to give a parent presentation at Emerson titled “Strategies to Help Kids Manage Stress and Build Academic Resiliency.”  His presentation, intended for parents of children in kindergarten through 8th grade (and older), will take place in the library at 7:00pm on Thursday, November 6th. Dr. Bambery is very familiar with our school community, having worked closely with many Emerson families and teachers.

Emerson Book Fair

“Fall for Books” at Nicola’s on Nov. 9, 5:00 – 8:00pm

Come browse the book shelves, enjoy some refreshments, mingle with classmates, teachers, and friends, and support the Emerson School Library! The book fair will be an evening filled with fun, student performances, and author signings. So come one, come all, to this fun-filled event! Volunteers are needed, so please sign up if you can help with this event.
+ Sign up to volunteer

The Emerson STEAM Science Fair

November 12, 6:30pm – 7:45pm in the Emerson Gymnasium

This year our STEAM Science Fair will encourage students to design and carry out experiments, design and build inventions, make improvements to existing technology, investigate phenomena, explore mathematics of the world, or perhaps even fuse art talent or interest with science. We have lots of ideas and suggestions but you will be encouraged to dream on your own and you will quickly see that this year’s fair is wide open for all kinds of science connections.

It’s not too late to sign up. Please complete the form below or email Kelly Vohland to participate.
+ Science Fair ideas
+ Participation form

Sign Up for the Geography Bee

Friday, Nov. 21, 11:14am to 1:00pm

The bee is open to all Emerson students in grades 4 through 8. There is no charge. All that a student need do to register is hand Lenny a piece of paper with the students name and the letters GB legibly written on it BEFORE Lenny goes home at the end of the school day on Wednesday, November 19—only about five weeks away.

Middle School News

Second Trimester Electives Open Mon. at 3:00pm

Register Online for Electives by Nov. 3

Elective selections must be made online no later than noon on Monday, November 3rd. Elective forms are only available through the student account.
+ 2nd trimester elective descriptions
+ Instructions on how to sign up

Community News & Events

Chiller Author at Ann Arbor District Library

Sunday, Oct. 26, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Jonathan Rand, author of the very popular Michigan Chillers and American Chillers series will be sharing his thoughts on writing and how he became a writer at the Downtown Main branch of the Ann Arbor District Library. While his books can be a little scary, his talk will not be. Folks who have met Jonathan Rand say he is funny, friendly, and well worth meeting. Expect a crowd for this very popular author.