News & Blog

Family Newsletter – Nov. 13, 2015


Middle School Band and Orchestra Concert

Middle School Band and Orchestra Concert

Musicians in the Middle School Band and Orchestra put on quite a show last night. Students performed in large groups, small ensembles, and 11 brave musicians even improvised their own jazz solos.
+ See more photos


Letter from the Head of School

John Huber ProfileDear Parents,

This past week, four faculty members joined Assistant Head Peggy Wilson and me to attend the ISACS (Independent School Association of the Central States) Annual Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. While we were there, I had the pleasure of taking part in the following talks:

  • Navigating Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Gender Variance in EC & Elementary Education
  • Effective Teaching That Meets the Needs of Mathematically Gifted Children
  • Schools of the Future: The Big Shifts
  • Trends & the Impact on Strategic Planning & Decision-Making
  • Quiet: How to Harness the Strength of Introverts
  • A Talent Development Model as Framework for Gifted Education
  • Coming to Grips with Girl Overachievement & (Relative) Boy Underachievement

Elsewhere this week, a number of Emerson’s educators led a workshop on Making Thinking Visible, and we sent five teachers to the annual Learning and the Brain Conference. In a few short weeks, two teachers will attend an ISACS workshops titled “Best Practices in Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners.” These are just a few examples of the types of activities and conferences our teachers take part in. For a bigger window into the rich tradition of professional development at Emerson, take a gander at pages 48 & 49 of the 2014-2015 Annual Report, where you will see how our faculty members epitomize the model of teachers as learners.

I want to thank you, our parents, for making this possible. Your support, both financially (through your tuition and your annual giving) and emotionally (through your patience as teachers are away from Emerson) allows Emerson’s faculty and staff to stay on the cutting edge of education, and to continuously bring best practices into your child’s classroom. The impact on your child’s education is direct, positive, and lasting, and you make it happen.

Take care,

PS: You may have heard word that we have a fabulous Book Fair coming up this Sunday at Nicola’s Books, beginning at 4:30pm. Please do make a special effort to attend! I’m looking forward to hearing our students perform and purchasing a few books—all in support of Emerson! See you there!

All School News and Info

9:00am Late Start on Monday

Childcare Available 7:30am–8:45am

Classes will start at 9:00am on Monday for all students, K–8. Students arriving before 8:45am will join Morning Childcare, which is available beginning at the regular 7:30 start time.
+ Email Rose Hacker if you will be participating in Morning Childcare on Monday

Why the Late Start? (So Teachers Can Start Early)

Faculty will begin team teacher meetings, curriculum map development, and RenWeb training at 7:30am. A late start provides time for these collaborative meetings to take place, and helps address parent requests for more consistent use of RenWeb and more information about curriculum progression. Thank you!

2015 Science Fair: Hydrofest

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 6:30pm—It’s Not Too Late to Participate

Global Water FaucetAll families should be there, whether your child is submitting a project or not. This exciting science fair will include:

  • Informative student exhibits
  • Hands-on design/build activities, like paddle boat and tinfoil barge challenges
  • Demonstrations with bottle rockets
  • Activities by the A2 Hands-On Museum, like experiments with acid rain, buoyancy, surface tension, and others.
  • A “Water Cafe”, with refreshments in all three phases of H2O!

Several parent volunteers are still needed to help with hands-on activities. Please reply to Kelly Vohland if you can volunteer for an hour or so between 6:30pm-8:00pm on Nov. 18th.

Participants: Please bring your project to the gym on Nov. 17, 2:45pm–4:30pm, or Nov. 18, 7:30am–8:30am.

Middle School Info Meeting Next Week

Tuesday, Nov. 17, 7:00pm at Emerson

Current 5th graders—and any other families interested in learning more about Emerson’s Middle School—are invited to attend. You will receive a tour from a current Emerson Middle School student, learn about what make’s the middle school experience at Emerson so special, and have opportunities to ask questions and chat with faculty and staff.

Please Spread the Word

77% of new families indicate hearing about Emerson from someone else. Thank you! Your vocal support keeps our school going.

Emerson Book Fair This Sunday

Fall Into Books Nov. 15, 4:30–7:30pm at Nicola’s Books

Book Fair Poster ArtThis is a great family event that supports the Emerson library and offers a wonderful evening of entertainment by Emerson’s talented students. Please ask your student if they are participating at the Book Fair. We hope to see you there!
+ Linda’s Library Blog with Book Ideas
+ Complete Book Fair scheduleAuthor Signings at the Book Fair: 

  • Victoria Scott (Emerson Middle School Teacher), The Odin Inheritance
  • Robb JohnstonThe Woodcutter and the Most Beautiful Tree and Lelani and the Plastic Kingdom

Girls on the Run Team Looking Two Coaches

We’d love to have an Emerson parent or friend coach Emerson’s 3rd-5th grade Girls on the Run team this year. Training is provided and you’ll receive a discount registration for your child. Practices will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm-4:30pm at Emerson, March 7 through May 20, with a celebratory 5K on Sunday, May 15. Please contact Rose Hacker with any questions.
+ More information about Girls on the Run
+ Sign up to be a Coach online

Sign Up for the 2015 Geography Bee

Tuesday, Dec. 15, 11:15am–1:15pm in the AIC

All Emerson students in grades 4–8 are welcome to participate in the free, fun competition. Signing up is very easy: Students write their name and the letters “GB” on a piece of paper, then hand it to Lenny Dale any day between now and when he leaves school on Friday, Dec. 11. Understand that Lenny thinks kids should learn to deal with deadlines, and this one is firm. There is no ‘too early’, but there is definitely ‘too late’.

ESPO Bake Sale Needs Your Help

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 7:30am–3:00pm

Pies, breads, cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats will be available for purchase by children, parents, faculty, and grandfriends—all to benefit the Emerson Technology Dept. and just in time for Thanksgiving. Volunteers are needed to provide food, and for packaging, setup, sales, and more.
+ More Info about the Bake Sale
+ Sign up to provide food or to volunteer

Box Tops for EducationBonus Box Tops at Sam’s Club

Earn as many as 400 box tops ($40 value) with bonus Box Tops for Education through July 3, 2016 at Sam’s Club.
+ More information and instructions

DistinguishMe Info for Emerson Families

Guest Speakers at Nov. 10 ESPO Meeting

At the most recent ESPO meeting, Matt Gibson, Lead Coach and Cofounder of DistinguishMe, presented how to best prepare students to distinguish themselves for high school, college, and beyond.
+ DistinguishMe info for Emerson families:

Pledge Your Support

New this Year: Our Fall Pledge Focus

Every member (100%) of Emerson’s Faculty & Staff and every Emerson Trustee has already made their gift or pledge to the 2015-2016 Annual Fund. But we still need the support of 100% of Emerson families because tuition revenue does not cover the full cost of your child’s Emerson education.

  • NEW – Fall Pledges: Make your commitment today and fulfill your pledge before June 15. Call, or use the pledge card received in your first day packet or pick one up at the office.
  • Give Online: Check it off your list by giving at

+ Questions? Contact Beth Anderson, (734)665-5662 x305

Grandfriends’ Day Invitations Sent

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1:00pm–3:00pm

This is an annual opportunity for students to share everything they’re learning with their grandfriends and show them around school. Invitations have been mailed out to grandfriends inviting them (only sent if you indicated during enrollment/re-enrollment that you would like your grandfriend to receive an invitation). If you would like an invitation sent to someone else, please email Lower School Office Manager Joan Gregorka, or call 734-665-5662, ext. 307.
+ Grandfriends’ Day invitation and schedule

Busch’s Now Gives to Emerson with MyWay Card

Starting Sunday, November 1, it will no longer be necessary to pay with a Busch’s Cash for Education gift card to earn rewards for Emerson. Moving forward, you can simply shop, provide your Busch’s MyWay phone number or key tag at the register and receive credit.

How to Earn Money for Emerson at Busch’s

  1. Link your MyWay card to Cash for Education by Dec. 31 each each (reenrollment is required annually)
  2. Select Emerson School for each quarter using the dropdown menu.
    You must have a valid email address and opt in to receive emails. You can check this under My Account > Account Overview when logged into MyWay

+ Busch’s Cash for Education FAQ

Middle School News and Info

Spirit Week in the Middle School

November 16–20

Middle School students are encouraged to participate in this fun, school-spirit-building activity. The themes for each day are:

  • Monday: Sports Jersey Day
  • Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day
  • Wednesday: Pink Out
  • Thursday: Pajama Day
  • Friday: Formal Friday

High School Information

WIHI HS Info Sessions Nov. 10 and Nov. 18 at 7:00pm

WIHI will be having information sessions for parents and students on Tuesday Nov. 10, 2015; Wednesday Nov. 18, 2015; Thursday Jan. 7, 2016; and Monday Jan. 11, 2016, all starting at 7:00pm. Application and shadowing opportunities begin in early Nov. Contact Admissions Coordinator Cherrell Wilson at 734-994-8145 opt. 2 or for more info.
+ Visit the WIHI website for more information

Fr. Gabriel Richard Open House Nov. 14, 2:30–4:00pm

Visit the school, meet the teachers, and talk with sports coaches and student clubs. Our award-winning Madrigal singers will be performing near the Chapel where you can also enjoy refreshments.
+ More information

Cranbrook Admissions Reception and Scholarship Testing

Sunday, Nov. 15, 1:00pm presentation, testing 1:30pm–3:00pm. At The Michigan League, Vandenberg Room, 911 N. University in Ann Arbor. No pre-registration required.
+ More information

Saline HS Info Session on Nov. 19

Saline High School is hosting an information session where families can learn more about Saline High School as an option for high school. This event is geared towards students from middle schools that do not have a high school attached to it.

Community News and Events

Emerson Students Donate 140lbs. of Candy

Collected at Emerson School for Operation Gratitude

Caswell brothers collecting candy

Congratulations to Lucas Caswell and Lance Caswell, who collected and donated more than 140 pounds of leftover candy, donated by other Emerson families, for Operation Gratitude. Current and former military members will receive 14 boxes of sweets thanks to their efforts.

“Thank you Emerson for donating leftover candy for Operation Gratitude.” —Lance and Lucas Caswell

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Nov. 14, 20–22, Various Times, at Skyline High School

Emerson alumna Emma Throm will perform in “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” at Skyline. It’s the classic love story between a lovely maiden and a loathsome beast cursed to remain a beast forever unless he can earn a maiden’s love before the last petal falls from an enchanted rose. Showtimes: Saturday, November 14 at 2:30pm. and 7:30pm; Friday and Saturday, November 20 and 21, at 7:30pm; and Sunday, November 22 at 2:30pm.
+ Learn more