News & Blog

Family Newsletter – May. 27, 2016

6th graders in front of an Ohio waterfall
Middle Schoolers Return From Class Trips

The 6th grade class went to Ohio, 7th grade to Washington D.C., and 8th graders to the Florida Keys. These trips are both fun and educational, which means jam-packed days filled with new experiences, interesting places, and memories that will last a lifetime.
+ More photos on Facebook (7th and 8th grade pics to come)


Letter from the Head of School

Dear Parents,

This past week, I had the pleasure of chaperoning our incredible 6th grade class trip to Ohio, pictured above in this week’s newsletter. (I’m hiding in the background wearing a blue hat and looking off-camera.) And now that I’m back, I must share with you an amazing discovery—not one from the trip, though, but one I found in my office upon my return.

On my desk stood an immense stack of thank-you letters to our Annual Fund donors. Last weekend’s $25,000 challenge gift announcement clearly motivated many of you to make your Annual Fund gifts—thank you!

We plan to break all participation records this year, and we are well on our way. Come join the many, many families who make support of Emerson a philanthropic priority. Please take a moment to read Michelle Borton’s note below to learn more about how your participation in our Annual Fund benefits our students, and how to get your contribution in before it’s too late. The clock is ticking—please make your gift today!
John Huber

Be well,

John Huber

All School News and Info

4th Graders at the Howell Nature Center

Welcome Back 4th Graders

Students had a great time exploring the outdoors, doing teamwork activities, fishing, and just being kids with their friends.
+ More photos on Facebook

Your Gift Matters: A Note from Michelle Borton

Thank You for Making a Difference for Music Education

Mrs. B Wants You!“When you walk into the Band and Orchestra rooms or onto the stage in the Arts and Innovation Center you’ll find evidence of the Annual Fund everywhere you look. It’s in the instruments my K-1 students are using, the music that the band and orchestra students perform, and the technology that allows us to share it with our families.

Thank you for your support and for making a difference in our future!”
— Michelle Borton, K-1 music teacher, Band director, and Annual Fund donor

Just 66 More Families Participating = $25,000 Challenge Gift

Annual Fund gifts helps fill the gap between tuition and the cost of running the school. If you have already made a gift to the Annual Fund (giving to financial aid at the Auction counts) thank you very much. Your support is deeply appreciated! If you have not yet made your gift, please join the 100% of faculty, staff, and trustees who participate in the Annual Fund by giving at

Convenient Ways to Give

Online: By credit card
Curbside drop-off: cash or check accepted from your car
Offices: Send cash or a check with your child to drop off
Call: Beth at 734.665.9005, x305

Emerson Used Book Sale is June 2-3

Donate Books Now Through June 2 at Noon

Now is the time to free up bookshelf space and donate to the annual Used Book Sale. Books (no textbooks please), movies, games, and puzzles for all ages are welcome, but remember that kids of all ages will be looking through them (i.e. please do not send inappropriate books). Children’s books will all be just 10 cents, and books for adults and games will never be more than 50 cents. And for every 10 items donated, the family gets one item of their choice for free.

The Library ELFs (Emerson Library Friends—5th grade volunteers) will help with the sale and has chosen to donate the proceeds to the American Cancer Society, in honor of Jill Nolan. Additional volunteers are needed 7:30–9:00am and 2:15–3:00pm each day, and to set-up on Wednesday 3:00–6:00pm.
+ Contact Linda the librarian with questions or to help

Childcare Available on June 17, Graduation Day

No School Except for Band and Orchestra Performing

The last official day of school for grades K-7 (excluding Band and Orchestra performing at graduation) will be Thursday, June 16, 2016. This day will be used for school-wide awards and events as we have done in the past. Then on Friday, June 17, our regularly scheduled graduation exercises will be held in the Arts and Innovation Center, with Band and Orchestra performing as before. Our 8th grade families (including siblings) are invited to attend graduation.

As this was a change to this year’s schedule, free childcare will be provided for Emerson students in grades K-7 on Friday, June 17 from 7:30am–12:00pm. Reservations are required.
+ Email Beth Muszkiewicz to reserve childcare for your child

Bone Marrow Drive for Jill Nolan

Pick Up a Marrow Test Kits in the Lower School Office

Jill Nolan and Her FamilyIn March, Jill Nolan (1st Grade Teacher at Emerson School) was suddenly diagnosed with AML leukemia. Jill has conquered her first round of chemo and is now back in the hospital undergoing her second round of chemo. Now she needs to find a bone marrow donor.

You can find out if you are a qualified donor for Jill (age requirement is 18-44) by joining the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry, which is where the doctors are looking for Jill’s match. It is as simple as giving a saliva sample, and you can do it one of two ways:

  • Pick up a test kit in the Lower School Office. Once you complete your swab test and paperwork return it to the office, Emerson will send it back to Be The Match.
  • Online at Enter promo code “emerson16” to be associated with Jill’s drive.

+ Read the complete letter from Jill’s family here
+ Learn more about the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry and join

Perform at Family-Friendly Open Mic Night

Last of the Year: Wednesday, June 1, 6:00pm in the AIC

Open Mic JokesterFamily-Friendly Open Mic Nights are a stage for kids to sing a song, play an instrument, read original poetry, perform a monologue, play as an ensemble, etc. Each performer has about five minutes each to share their talents and passions in front of a laid-back and supportive audience of families from schools throughout the greater-Ann Arbor area.
+ Learn more and sign up at

Vote for Movie Screening Timing

Many families have asked about seeing ScreenagersBeyond Measure, and Most Likely to Succeed, so we are planning to screen all three of them at Emerson. Please help determine the best dates and times by completing the survey linked below. We will schedule them when it works best for the most families, and all movies will be open to the community.
+ Two-question date/time survey and movie descriptions

ESPO Positions Need Parent Volunteers

Help wanted. No experience required. Compensation: none. Benefits: the feeling that comes from volunteering and being involved with our Emerson community. There are a number of positions still available for next year’s ESPO. Particularly, we need a Co-Chair and Pizza Lunch Volunteer Chair and Co-Chair. What a great way to meet other families and to give back to the School.
+ More information and openings
+ Contact Chair Diana Rooks or Co-Chair Elizabeth for additional information

Found: Fitbit and Digital Camera

If one of these are yours, please claim it from Mrs. Hodges in the Middle School Office before school is out.

Community News and Events

Emerson Student Performing at C.A.S Ballet

Saturday, May 28, 3:00pm at Mendelssohn Theatre

Emerson 2nd grader Chloe Eavy will be performing at the C.A.S Ballet Theatre School’s Recital in Mendelson Theatre at U of M. Go Chloe!
+ Learn more