Letter From Jerry
I hope you will join us for this event and invite your friends outside the Emerson community to attend as well. There will be no charge to attend and you can register online here.
Snow Day Update
As I shared last week, we are looking for opportunities to restore some of the time lost to this year’s weather-related school closings. The dates where additional days may be added have been narrowed down, but each presents its own logistical challenges that are still being evaluated. We will communicate a decision on Tuesday, Feb. 4.
Note: Because many families have already made plans based on our school calendar, scheduled breaks (Mid-Winter and Spring) and adding days beyond June 15 are not among the options being considered.
Have a great weekend,
Jerry Loewen, Head of School
All School Announcements
The ERB testing schedule has been revised due to the weather-related school closures. We will now be testing into the week of February 10. The make-up days have changed from Feb 8-9 to Feb 12-13. This schedule is subject to change, should there be any future school closures. We need to complete our testing by February 28.
Middle school testing schedule
Early Sign-Ups for Summer at Emerson
Emerson families can register for Summer at Emerson before it goes live to everyone tomorrow. Register online and see the complete list of camps here.
Sunday, Feb. 2, 2pm – 4pm
If your child is thriving at Emerson, please share the love. Tell someone you know about the upcoming K-5 information meeting. We can’t thank you enough for the support. Learn more.
2014 Auction: remember • celebrate • imagine
Friday, March 14, 2014 at Barton Hills Country Club
There are still many ways to support the Emerson Auction
Attend the Auction: Invitations will mail early next week. Let us know if you would like one mailed to family and/or friends.
Donate: Please turn in your donor forms ASAP.
- Class Baskets: Due today (contact class basket leaders)
- Restaurant Raffle: Restaurant gift certificates can be donated for any amount
- Wine Pull: Must be valued between $25-$100 per bottle
- Forms Deadline: Jan. 31st, delivery Feb. 25th
Volunteer: Wednesday, Feb. 5, 8:30am – 12:00pm. We need your help stuffing invitations in the Fish Bowl.
To donate, volunteer, or ask questions, please email Beth Anderson or call 665-5662 x305.
Reexamining Bullying with Bully Nation Author
Feb. 27, 7pm, in the Emerson School Gym
Dr. Susan Porter will speak to our community about how to help kids deal with aggression in their relationships. She will talk about what’s happening in our culture and look at what really helps children, specifically growth mindset. She will also help adults learn to not be reactive, and how to distinguish between problems that are developmental and those that are not.
Learn more and register.
Humane Society Drive by 3rd Grade Brownies
The 3rd grade Brownies troop is organizing a donation drive for the Huron Valley Humane Society from Jan. 29 to Feb. 14. Please bring your pet-related items to the collection boxes that will be located in the K-2 hallway, Fish Bowl, main entrance, and middle school commons.
Join other parents in the Emerson Kitchen serving Pizza Lunch to your kids and their friends! There are openings for the next few weeks and beyond. Please see openings and sign up online, or contact Maureen Kachman to get involved. Thank you for your support of this popular fundraiser at Emerson.
All middle school students are invited to a Valentine’s Day Dance on Friday, February 14th from 3:00-5:30pm. Attendance is optional. The cost is $4 per student, which will be charged to accounts (please do not bring money). Snacks and beverages will be provided, but no dinner. Please pick up students promptly at 5:30pm.
Pioneer High School
- 8th Grade Parent Information Meeting: Tuesday, February 11. 6:30pm. Learn more.
- Held in the Little Theater and includes information about the enrollment process
- General curriculum and program information at 7pm in Schreiber Auditorium
Dexter High School
- 8th Grade Information Meeting: Wednesday, Mar. 12, 7-8pm at DHS Center for Performing Arts
- Parent IB specific evening meetings will be held in March, dates TBD
- More about Dexter High School and more about the International Baccalaureate program
Saline High School
- Course Information Night: Monday, Feb. 3, tours 6-6:45pm, presentation at 7pm in auditorium. Learn more.
- For enrollment/admission information, please contactMandy Rucky (734) 429-8000 ext. 8018.
- Beginning February 18, 2014, Saline Area Schools will begin to accept enrollment paperwork.
- Testing Out Information: Testing out registration is currently taking place. All students that would like to test out of a class must submit their application by January 31, 2014.
Other News & Events
Saturday, Feb. 8, 1-2:30pm
Our friends at Quest Martial Arts offer this course bi-annually for women, taught by women. Call Quest Martial Arts to register (734) 332-1800. Learn more.