News & Blog

Family Newsletter – Apr. 24, 2015

Open Mic Night - May 27

Last Open Mic Night of the Year

May 27, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, on Emerson’s Performance Stage

Emerson’s first Open Mic Night was a big hit, so we’re doing it again—the final Open Mic of the school year—and you can be one of our stars. Anyone can perform, including students, alums, parents, and teachers. Performers will be given five minutes each to sing a song, play an instrument, read original poetry, perform a monologue, play as an ensemble, etc.—let your talent be your guide.
+ Learn more about Open Mic Night and sign up


Letter from Jerry

Jerry the SluggerHello Parents,

Due to my travels between Ann Arbor and Gladstone, New Jersey, I missed last night’s 2nd and 3rd Grade Art Music Night performance. But, knowing all the behind-the-scenes preparation, I want to shout out my praise for this event and encourage you to attend one of the upcoming Art Music Nights.

It takes a team to put on this event, and the team approach was in evidence everywhere one turned. The collaborative spirit began weeks in advance with art being hung on every vertical space in the building. Jennifer Tanau, co-chairs Dana DeBord and Amy Woodruff, and a small army of parent volunteers are responsible for the tremendous makeover our halls receive, and it is humbling to see the amount of time and energy they give.

By performance night, the teamwork is in full force. Parents rearrange schedules to ensure their children arrive on time, and dressed in the team attire for the night. Parents jumped in to help provide more chairs as the crowd swelled beyond initial estimates. At the teacher level, these performances bring together many hands. Faculty and staff overseeing technology, visual art, choral music, and instrumental music all pull together with the homeroom teachers to bring the magic together. (In addition to the inspired narration delivered by Barb, Linda, and Michelle, early reviews of last night’s performance are heralding Michelle’s dramatic crowing).

Finally, the teamwork comes down to the actual student performers and their leader, Matt McCoy. Last night’s animal-themed event showcased all the preparation and camaraderie that is both the product and the key to success in these wonderful spring time events.

I look forward to seeing you at the next one!

2-3 Art Music Night Performers
+ See more photos from the 2nd and 3rd Grade Art Music Night


Jerry Loewen
Head of School


All School News

Art Music Sharing: K and 1st Grade

Tuesday, Apr. 28, K at 1:00pm, 1st Grade at 2:00pm

Nothing could be better then to sit back and enjoy “A Day at the Beach,” or in this case music and fun! That’s right, it’s that time of year for our Art and Music sharing time. Please join us next Tuesday, April 28 as the youngest members of our school share their excitement for the Emerson Arts. K-1 students will share their music in the auditorium and then walk around and view the art show with family and friends. — By Mrs. Borton
+ More Schedule Info and Details

ESPO Faculty and Staff Appreciation Lunch

May 5, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Plus Setup and Cleanup

Each year, ESPO and parent volunteers generously host a lunch to show their appreciation for Emerson teachers and staff. Volunteers host the event, from set up and decorations, to hosting the event and cleaning up afterwards.
+ Sign up to volunteer
+ Sign up to provide food

Emerson’s Blood Drive Collected 32 Pints

Thank you to the students, faculty members, parents, and Red Cross nurses, and to everyone who participated by donating blood. — Michael Wilson

Thank You Art Music Night Volunteers!

Art Music Show PosterJennifer Tanau, Dana DeBord, and Amy Woodruff would like to thank the following people for volunteering to hang the art for the Art Music Sharing programs, or to later take it down. Your help is so appreciated!

Christine Kim, Suzan Duenyas, Lori Pearson, Elizabeth Caswell, Jennifer Evens, Ruchika Gupta, Elizabeth Sweeney, Michelle Weaver, Barbara Hoffman, Vivienne Ashforth

We would also like to thank Vanna Diptiman for her creation of beautiful posters for Art Music Sharing!

InterGen Tech Still Needs Adult Participants

Tuesdays, 3:30pm – 4:30pm

InterGen Tech is an after-school, hands-on technology course where adult participants learn basic computer and/or digital device skills. Each participant will have his/her very own student-teacher to help reach personal goals. Parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, etc. are encouraged to register.
+ Learn more
+ Register by contacting Rose Hacker or call 734-660-5108

Lower School News

Class Placement Forms Due May 1st

Optional Form to Provide Information for Class Placements

Lower School teachers will soon begin the important task of placing children in 1st grade through 5th grade classrooms for the coming year. Many different factors are considered, and teachers at Emerson know their students exceptionally well and take the responsibility of placement very seriously. If you would like to offer supplemental information for them to use as they make placement decisions, please download the form below and respond to the questions, keeping in mind the following:
  • Completion of this form is optional.
  • Please do not make specific teacher requests.
  • If you decide to complete this form, please return it to the Lower School office no later than May 1st. We may not be able to consider input offered after this date.
+ Download the form (also emailed to parents on Apr. 14)

Middle School News

Father Gabriel Richard Freshmen Welcome Event

Tuesday, Apr. 28, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Incoming freshmen and parents are invited to attend.

Community Events

Free E-Waste Recycling at Pioneer

Saturday, Apr. 25, 9:00am – 2:00pm

Quickly and easily get rid of your electronic waste in an environmentally friendly manner. Bring your old, working or broken electronics, including computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, cables, televisions, VCRs—you name it—and it will be responsibly and securely recycled. At the Pioneer High School parking lot., 601 W Stadium Blvd at Main St.
+ Learn more

Free Pony Rides at Cedar Ridge

May 9 and 10, 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Emerson Student Amelia is providing free pony rides, at her stable at Cedar Ridge Equestrian Center, on May 9th and 10th from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. It is part of a service project for the Cedar Ridge Pony Club.
+ Email Renee Burgess for more info

12 Emerson Students Star in YPT’s Mary Poppins

May 15 – 17 at Power Center for the Performing Arts

Young People’s Theater’s production of Mary Poppins will feature 99 young people, including Emerson students Julia Ammer, Emily Cooper, Benjamin Faulkner, Lydia Hall, Emma Hudson, Kyra Kahana, Sophia Kleer, Lauren Nishi, Gabby Pacifico, Aydrey Weizer, Violet Weizer, and Hannah Ziegler. Tickets go on sale April 6.
+ Learn more