Lalitha Shastri, a consultant on equity and justice in independent schools spent two days at Emerson recently. Hers is an insightful new voice in an ever-continuing exploration within our school commmunity. What do we value? How are we doing in equity and justice? These are questions we always want to be asking ourselves.
Lalitha visited classrooms and chatted with faculty, staff, and students. Meeting with the Diversity / Multi-culturalism / Equity / Social Justice Committee for the ISACS self-study, she asked good questions and offered encouragement and ideas.
Lalitha shared her thoughts that Emerson has all the most critical components of a school dedicated to DMEJ values: safety, good citizenship, trust, a strong sense of community. She will follow up her visit with ideas and recommendations as we continue to more forward.
On November 4th, at the ISACS Annual Conference, Lalitha will share aspects of her Emerson experience with the participants in Andy Zimmer’s session: “Interrupting Injustice: Promoting Solidarity in Middle School.”