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Everyone Loves the Book Fair!

The more that you read, the more things you will learn.
The more you learn, the more places you’ll go!
~ Dr. Seuss

There were plenty of things to learn and places to go at the 9th annual Emerson Book Fair on Sunday, November 14.  Entertained by the sweet sounds of the school’s band, orchestra, and choir, attendees browsed the display tables and explored teachers’ wish bins.  There were face painting and science games, and Bridget McGovern Llewellyn, author of “One Child, One Planet” read from her book.  The community event was held at Barnes and Noble.

Students and parents filled their arms with books – for take-home reading and for the school’s classrooms and library as well.  The Book Fair is one of Emerson’s popular FUNdraising events.  Special thanks to Lorna Hildebrandt and Jessica Krivan, Co-Chairs of the Book Fair, and to their committee of helping hands.

Click here to read more about the Book Fair in